Customer success plans

by Jay

A success plan is a tool to help translate your product into business value for a customer.

And it might be simpler to create than you think.

Here’s what it should contain:

– Objectives

What outcome is the customer aiming for over the next 1-2 quarters? e.g. improve inbound lead flow (example… a marketing tool). Create 2-3.

– Measures (aka Key Results)

What metrics will tell us if we are meeting the objective? e.g. increase [metric] from x to y by [date]. Related to each objective.  

– Strategy

What is our plan to achieve the outcomes? What techniques will we use? How will our product (and other tools) support the process?

– Key Milestones

What actions must we take to make this a reality? Projects, action items and events that we must execute to enable success.

And that’s it.

Treat it like a consulting engagement.
Build it together with the customer.
Write it down.
Circulate it.
Review progress monthly.

What would you add or remove to make this a simpler exercise for your customers?

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